Expand description

A context-aware error library with arbitrary attached user data.


error-stack is an error-handling library centered around the idea of building a Report of the error as it propagates. A Report is made up of two concepts:

  1. Contexts
  2. Attachments

A Context is a view of the world, it helps describe how the current section of code interprets the error. This is used to capture how various scopes require differing levels of detail and understanding of the error as it propagates. A Report always captures the current context in its generic argument.

As the Report is built, various pieces of supporting information can be attached. These can be anything that can be shared between threads whether it be a supporting message or a custom-defined Suggestion struct.

Quick-Start Guide

Where to use a Report

Report has been designed to be used as the Err variant of a Result. This crate provides a Result<E, C> type alias for convenience which uses Report<C> as the Err variant and can be used as a return type:

use error_stack::{ensure, Result};

fn main() -> Result<(), AccessError> {
    let user = get_user()?;
    let resource = get_resource()?;

        has_permission(user, resource),
        AccessError::PermissionDenied(user, resource)


Initializing a Report

A Report can be created directly from anything that implements Context by using Report::new() or through any of the provided macros (report!, bail!, ensure!). Any Error can be used as a Context, so it’s possible to create Report from an existing Error:

(For convenience, this crate provides an IntoReport trait to convert between Err-variants)

use std::{fs, io, path::Path};

use error_stack::{IntoReport, Report};

// Note: For demonstration purposes this example does not use `error_stack::Result`.
// As can be seen, it's possible to call `IntoReport::report` to easily create a `Report` from
// an `io::Error`
fn read_file(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<String, Report<io::Error>> {
    let content = fs::read_to_string(path).report()?;


Using and Expanding the Report

As mentioned, the library centers around the idea of building a Report as it propagates.

Changing Context

The generic parameter in Report is called the current context. When creating a new Report, the Context that’s provided will be set as the current context. The current context should encapsulate how the current code interprets the error. As the error propagates, it will cross boundaries where new information is available, and the previous level of detail is no longer applicable. These boundaries will often occur when crossing between major modules, or when execution crosses between crates. At this point the Report should start to operate in a new context. To change the context, Report::change_context() is used:

(Again, for convenience, using ResultExt will do that on the Err variant)

use error_stack::{Context, IntoReport, Result, ResultExt};

struct ParseConfigError;

impl fmt::Display for ParseConfigError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        fmt.write_str("Could not parse configuration file")

// It's also possible to implement `Error` instead.
impl Context for ParseConfigError {}

// For clarification, this example is not using `error_stack::Result`.
fn parse_config(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Config, ParseConfigError> {
    let content = fs::read_to_string(path.as_ref())


Building up the Report - Attachments

Module/crate boundaries are not the only places where information can be embedded within the Report however. Additional information can be attached within the current context, whether this be a string, or any thread-safe object. These attachments are added by using Report::attach() and Report::attach_printable():

struct Suggestion(&'static str);

fn parse_config(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Config, Report<ParseConfigError>> {
    let path = path.as_ref();

    let content = fs::read_to_string(path)
        .attach(Suggestion("Use a file you can read next time!"))
        .attach_printable_lazy(|| format!("Could not read file {path:?}"))?;


As seen above, there are ways on attaching more information to the Report: attach and attach_printable. These two functions behave similar, but the latter has a more restrictive bound on the attachment: Display and Debug. Depending on the function used, printing the Report will also use the Display and Debug traits to describe the attachment:

Could not parse configuration file
             at main.rs:9:10
      - Could not read file "config.json"
      - 1 additional opaque attachment

Caused by:
   0: No such file or directory (os error 2)
             at main.rs:7:10

The Suggestion passed to attach shown as an opaque attachment. The message passed to attach_printable however is printed next to the Context where it was attached to.

In-Depth Explanation

Crate Philosophy

This crate adds some development overhead in comparison to other error handling strategies, especially around creating custom root-errors (specifically error-stack does not allow using string-like types). The intention is that this reduces overhead at other parts of the process, whether that be implementing error-handling, debugging, or observability. The idea that underpins this is that errors should happen in well-scoped environments like reading a file or parsing a string into an integer. For these errors, a well-defined error type should be used (i.e. io::Error or ParseIntError) instead of creating an error from a string. Requiring a well-defined type forces users to be conscious about how they classify and group their custom error types, which improves their usability in error-handling.

Improving Result::Err Types

By capturing the current Context in the type parameter, return types in function signatures continue to explicitly capture the perspective of the current code. This means that more often than not the user is forced to re-describe the error when entering a substantially different part of the code because the constraints of typed return types will require it. This will happen most often when crossing module/crate boundaries.

An example of this is a ConfigParseError when produced when parsing a configuration file at a high-level in the code vs. the lower-level io::Error that occurs when reading the file from disk. The io::Error may no longer be valuable at the level of the code that’s handling parsing a config, and re-framing the error in a new type allows the user to incorporate contextual information that’s only available higher-up in the stack.

Compatibility with other Libraries

In std environments a blanket implementation for Context for any Error is provided. This blanket implementation for Error means error-stack is compatible with almost all other libraries that use the Error trait.

This has the added benefit that migrating from other error libraries can often be incremental, as a lot of popular error library types will work within the Report struct.

Doing more

Beyond making new Context types, the library supports the attachment of arbitrary thread-safe data. These attachments (and data that is provided by the Context can be requested through Report::request_ref(). This gives a novel way to expand standard error-handling approaches, without decreasing the ergonomics of creating the actual error variants:

fn main() {
    if let Err(report) = parse_config("config.json") {
        for suggestion in report.request_ref::<Suggestion>() {
            eprintln!("Suggestion: {}", suggestion.0);

Additional Features

The above examples will probably cover 90% of the common use case. This crate does have additional features for more specific scenarios:

Automatic Backtraces

When on a nightly compiler, Report will use the Backtrace from the base Context if it exists, or it will try to capture one. Unlike some other approaches, this does not require the user modifying their custom error types to be aware of backtraces, and doesn’t require manual implementations to forward calls down any wrapped errors that are often needed with other approaches.

Using the backtrace crate instead of std::backtrace is a considered feature to support backtraces on non-nightly channels and can be prioritized depending on demand.

No-Std compatible

The complete crate is written for no-std environments, which can be used by passing --no-default-features to the cargo command.

Provider API

This crate uses the Provider API to provide arbitrary data. This can be done either by attaching them to a Report or by providing it directly when implementing Context. The blanket implementation of Context for Error will provide the Backtrace to be requested later.

To request a provided type, Report::request_ref or Report::request_value are used. Both return an iterator of all provided values with the specified type. The value, which was provided most recently will be returned first.

Currently, the API has not yet landed in core::any, thus in the meantime it has been included in the library implementation and is available at error_stack::provider. Using it requires a nightly compiler.

Macros for Convenience

Three macros are provided to simplify the generation of a Report.

  • report! will only create a Report from its parameter. It will take into account if the passed type itself is a Report or a Context. For the former case, it will retain the details stored on a Report, for the latter case it will create a new Report from the Context.
  • bail! acts like report! but also immediately returns the Report as Err variant.
  • ensure! will check an expression and if it’s evaluated to false, it will act like bail!.

Span Traces

The crate comes with built-in support for tracings SpanTrace. If the spantrace feature is enabled and an ErrorLayer is set, a SpanTrace is either used when provided by the root Context or will be captured when creating the Report.

Debug and Display Hooks

When the hooks feature is enabled, it’s possible to provide a custom implementation to print a Report. This is done by passing a hook to Report::set_debug_hook() and/or Report::set_display_hook(). If no hook was set a sensible default implementation will be used. Possible custom hooks would for example be a machine-readable output, e.g. JSON, or a colored output. If attachments include things that don’t implement Display or Debug then a custom hook could be used to offer some other output about these things when printing a Report.

Additional Adaptors

ResultExt is a convenient wrapper around Result<_, Report<_>>. It offers attach and change_context on the Result directly, but also a lazy variant that receives a function which is only called if an error happens.

In addition to ResultExt, this crate also comes with FutureExt (enabled by the futures feature flag), which provides the same functionality for Futures.

Adding adaptors for Iterator and Stream is a considered feature and can be prioritized depending on demand.

Feature Flags

stdEnables support for Error and, on nightly, Backtraceenabled
hooksEnables the usage of set_display_hook and set_debug_hookstddisabled
spantraceEnables the capturing of SpanTracesdisabled
futuresProvides a FutureExt adaptordisabled



Extension for convenient usage of Reports returned by Future s.

Iterators over Frames.


Contains the Provider trait and accompanying API, which enable trait objects to provide data based on typed requests, an alternate form of runtime reflection.


Creates a Report and returns it as Result.

Ensures $cond is met, otherwise return an error.

Creates a Report from the given parameters.


A single context or attachment inside of a Report.

A hook can only be set once.

Contains a Frame stack consisting of Contexts and attachments.


Classification of an attachment which is determined by the method it was created in.

Classification of the contents of a Frame, determined by how it was created.


Defines the current context of a Report.

Extension trait for Future to provide contextual information on Reports.

Extends Result to convert the Err variant to a Report

Extension trait for Result to provide context information on Reports.

Type Definitions